8 Things Which Customers dont Tell Travel Agent but They Want

Travelling is a lifetime experience, which people cherish throughout their life. Every traveller has his own set of requirements but there are certain common things which all the travellers ask for. They are good hotels, nice flights, food included, genuine pricing etc. Other then this there are a few other things, which travellers expect from their travel agents but they hesitate expressing them. In this article we will discuss 8 such things:

Every customer wants personal attention if they are travelling with your company

In the case of foreign trips, people usually expect personal attention. They want your company to focus on them for all the activities so that they do not feel mixed in the crowd. For this, you need to make sure that each and every passenger so offered proper care and attention so they do not feel faded off.


Customer expects you to impress them:

There are a number of travel agencies fighting a tough competition, so, feeling like a king, every customer expects that you must impress them to earn business. It should be in such a way that the customer has no second thought about your company. This will be a deal of mutual benefits.


Complementary tokens

Rather than normal discounts, customers usually expect complementary tokens from the company they are going through. They won’t actually say it, but once you give them something as a token of love from your company, they will be super happy and would publicize your company more than ever.


Make things complexed:

If the person expects a package then it should be a completed one. If he or she wants simple booking than they can definitely do it themselves; they obviously won't come to you. So make a plan in which there are special services included which normally they won't get it if they book it on their own. In this case, be a little smarter and make things better.



Overloaded Information:

Your client won’t say it, but the more information you give, the happier will be your client. Just keep information flowing. Give him print out of the papers which have all the details. From the pickup to drop service to the shows which they can watch or the food places, mention all of it in that.



Prove them that your business is the best:

You need to win the trust of the client. Prove them that they have made an excellent choice by showing them testimonials that you received from your happy customers. Make them feel that you are offering them the best and you have all the abilities to make their trip memorable.

So, these are some of the things that customers won’t say you, but you need to be careful about them as the customers are always expecting something extra.


Customers expect dealing with one person:

When someone comes to you for their travel queries try to offer him a single point of contact. Messing around with customers and passing them on to other representatives is actually hated by the client. The client won't express this, but this actually makes a bad impression in their mind. So be careful that you just handle them nicely and offer instant attention.